Thursday, October 30, 2008

Teach Your Kids Identify Thier Emotions

We are all a whirlwind of emotions, which seem to the position of the jockey. How to reach adulthood in a calendar year and gain experience, which is not enough to be measured in these conditions, we will learn to identify them. For children, it is more difficult to determine their emotions.

Teaching children to identify their emotions, before handing over the reaction is the task of parents and adults-teachers, guidance counselors-increase in the child. It is very important to provide a solid basis for the detection and correction of their emotions, so they mature into rational adults, which can be feelings of anger, jealousy, mania, before guests, d act, so that effect injury to himself or society.

Many adults respond, and that without thinking of a childhood and youth, if not devoted to the effects and causes of these emotions, without identification and the correct interpretation. Understanding why a feel angry, if the car ahead of them cut to eliminate or miss an exit on the highway are driving their treatment, as a punching bag, reduce stress in May if they can Why such an action triggered banal, that the answer before starting their ankle bleeding.

Teaching children to identify their feelings is an essential part of the activity of a parent or guardian. All of May, it appears that the words are not sinking, parents must recognize that although the behavior and reaction of the May first step indicate that the words or ideas are increasingly repetition and their speaking, the questions about how they feel at home and why they think they do, the answers may not be on the vocabulary to explain, in their heads and will be timely in the future.

However, if adults do not have the education to teach children to identify their emotions, perhaps the districts of the school PTA seminars for parents and people. The supervision of parents and individuals, access to the Internet, it can educate himself for the best approach in the management of concerns for their children.

It is not enough to say that children stay in school and progress through the ranks to college and beyond. The education of children, it is important to graduate-school-college and go for a well-paid work is more important to their lives such as identification of emotions. "The real world beyond education has covered many situations in which the self-monitoring and self-interpretation of emotions is crucial in social networks in the workplace and in their personal life, impact and influence one another.

Perhaps the most important lessons in life have less to do with the rest of the world and how their roles on the roads and more to do with understanding ourselves and our own reactions.

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